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PANKICHI-KEN 22 : Shu-kun's hat - 2

PANKICHI-KEN 22 : Shu-kun's hat - 2

An apprentice Gyoza-Dumpling maker at Pankichi-Ken, Shu-kun

is always wearing a "Shumai Hat", which has something round on the top,

which everybody at Pankichi-ken is so curious about.

One day, the colleagues at Pankichi-ken gathered and tried touching it,

and found it out to be quite mediocre...

This is another episode about the mediocre, round thing on top of the "Shumai Hat"




Let's teasing him!

Chie : What is the round thing on your hat, Shu-kun? A green pea?

Now that colleagues at Pankichi-ken has tried touching the round thing on top of the "Shumai Hat", it is time for them to tease him.

Everybody stare at him.

Tease him!!!

Shu-kun : D,,, don't touch this, please!

Tease him!!!

Shu-kun : Something very, very bad will happen if you touch this!

Voice in Everybody's mind : (Already done it.)

Only Shu-kun doesn't know that all his colleagues at Pankichi-ken

has already touched it!

But, a very very bad thing has not happened to Pankichi-ken yet.

At least for now..


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